Victoriia TKACHENKO serves in the project as expert/advisor/researcher and teacher.
Victoriia TKACHENKO holds a PhD in Economics from SNAU and is the Associate Professor of the Management Department. Her experience in teaching and researching work is more than 10 years and she has around 75 publications in total.
Victoriia TKACHENKO for the last few years has been teaching the course “Social Responsibility” for the masters of SNAU in the speciality "Accounting and Taxation" and "Administrative Management". Although this course is based on the standard of higher education, however, it still: 1) does not take sufficiently into account European experience in this field; 2) needs modernization taking into account the content and methods of teaching. Therefore, EECORE provides a complete overhaul (by name, by content, by methods, taking into account European experience and practice) of this course and is going to morph it into an educational Course for Master students “CSR & RBC”. Thus, in the EECORE project Victoriia TKACHENKO is responsible alongside Oleh PASKO for the educational Course for Master students “CSR & RBC”. They are going to create one (content-wise) course, although in two versions: Oleh PASKO oversees the English version, while Victoriia TKACHENKO – Ukrainian one.
Victoriia TKACHENKO is a certified business trainer.
Victoriia TKACHENKO holds Pearson Edexcel Level Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) with MERIT May 2019 # 87331:0004: 1905003650:271084.