Oleh Pasko serves in the project as a project manager; senior expert/advisor/researcher and researcher / teacher.
Oleh Pasko conceived the project and is responsible for the design and overall structure of the project.
His research interest covers Corporate Social Responsibility, Social, environmental accounting and sustainability reporting what is testified by his research output (see CV). His research concentrated on companies from Central and Eastern Europe as well as Chinese. His experience of teaching and researching work is more than 20 years and he has around 100 publications.
Since the mid-2000s (his first publication on the topic dates year 2005, it was not mainstream at the time and few did engage in it) he has been involved in triple bottom line reporting studies (economic, social and environmental indicators) (publication list attests it) and later on has begun to study CSR interrelationships with various firm’s factors (attributes) trying to find the answers to questions How various firm’s organizational (board of director composition, external assurance) or financial attributes (earning management, conservatism) contribute to CSR and vice versa? How sincere are companies in their CSR?
Oleh’s Doctor Habilitatus thesis (underway) is devoted to critical accounting at large. Critical accounting deals with the promotion of a better society and the central tenet of it is the need to challenge and ultimately change existing social relations, thereby moving towards a more emancipated and equitable social order and CSR&RBC is regarded as a vehicle for that. CSR&RBC is basically a self-organization mechanism on part of companies to make society a better place to live.
Oleh has healthy project experience in EU projects being a WP leader in one of the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE projects (TOPAS 585603-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and coordinator and contact person in another (INTERADIS 619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). He also participated in various Germany-funded DAAD projects and currently is the project manager of the Erasmus+ JM project (101047667-ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE).
Oleh is also an expert in the accreditation of educational programs for NAQA - National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine).
He has a certificate from British Council which confirms his proficiency in English (IELTS Overall Band Score – 7.0 = CEFR C1; test report form # 21UA001679PASO001A).
In EECORE project Oleh is 1) a lead teacher in the course “CSR&RBC” (Educational Course for Master students) English version, and 2) part devoted to CSR&RBC in “CSR&RBC and SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP” (Advanced Certificate course for Master and PhD students), as well as 3) his contribution is massive in training for owners, senior management, and representatives of MSMEs. Given Oleh’s prolific scholarly output (https://bit.ly/2Vykbfb) he also will be instrumental in research activities planned within the project.
Oleh’s part-time involvement in the administrative job (Head of the Project Coordination office) will be instrumental in lessening the bureaucracy burden inherent to a public university and be conducive to the smooth realization of all project activities.