Inna KHOVRAK serves in the project as senior expert / advisor / researcher and researcher / teacher.
For decades Inna KHOVRAK has been researching and implementing projects in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development. Inna KHOVRAK believes that modern universities can become the basis for sustainable development by preparing future responsible employers and workers, producers and consumers, investors and other stakeholders.
Inna KHOVRAK holds PhD issued by Poltava National Technical University (2012) and just recently (2020) she defended her Doctor Habilitatus thesis devoted to university social responsibility and sustainable development at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Currently Inna KHOVRAK is a Full Professor, the Director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development (CESD), Ukraine. In her professional activity, Inna paid the most attention to issues of social responsibility, regardless of the position she held, from assistant to professor of the department of social philosophy and management, from project manager to vice-rector for research and teaching, international cooperation and investment.
She participated in Exchange Alumni Grants Program with project «Strengthening university social responsibility for sustainable development», which Inna as project manager implemented with the support of the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy to Ukraine (05.2021-01.2022).
Inna KHOVRAK was (09.2016 – 07.2017) scholar at The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program (Field of research «Corporate Social Responsibility in the context of globalization») in Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Cracow University of Economics / Poland. As a graduate of this program, she initiated and implemented a project «Sustainable Development based on the Concept of Social Responsibility: Budgets & Reporting & Communications» (09.2018 – 06.2019).
Inna has an immaculate background of project experience as she was a project manager in multiple projects, among them also: Complex approach to the higher education quality assurance system, Ukraine (2016), training programs and courses for the educational institution «Erudite» (06.2015 – 02.2020), Small Business and Sources of Funding, Youth in the Modern World: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (2013 – 2015), Young Financier School, Ukraine (2013 – 2014), culture & educational projects for Youth NGO «New Wave», Ukraine (05.2005 – 04.2007)б and other projects.
Inna KHOVRAK is a consultant and trainer on issues of social responsibility, sustainable development, non-financial reporting and project management both in Ukraine and abroad. In particular, since 2017, he has been cooperating with Polish ministries within the following working groups: Working Group for education and popularization of CSR (Ministry of Economic Development, Poland), Working Group for university social responsibility, and Working Group for the development of non-financial reporting (Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy). Inna also has more than 5 years of experience in the field of evaluation of social, educational, scientific and business projects (from local to international level).
Inna KHOVRAK was awarded by many praises most pertinent to the project is 01.2019: Award of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine to the Most Talented Young Researchers in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments for 2018 / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine / Ukraine.
Inna KHOVRAK can boast numerous visiting positions she held and also multiple memberships in professional organisations and NGOs (see Inna’s CV) and extended peers’ networks which testify to her active public position and scientific activity. Inna KHOVRAK is also the expert in the accreditation of educational programs for NAQA - National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine).
Given that Inna KHOVRAK is one of the leading experts in university social responsibility in Ukraine, in the EECORE project she is responsible 1) for training for senior university management “USR: HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY” and also 2) participate alongside Oleh PASKO and Olena DIACHENKO in advanced Certificate online course for Master and PhD students “CSR/ RBC and SE”.
Inna KHOVRAK holds a certificate B2 in English according to CEFR from Eaequls centre by Jagiellonskie Centrum Jezykowe (2017), a certificate B2 in Polish (2017), and a certificate B1 in Norwegian (2022).